Dreadlocks for Beginners: An Interlocking Method Overview

Are you contemplating starting your dreadlock journey with the interlocking method? Understanding the ins and outs of interlocking dreadlocks is key to deciding if this trending protective hairstyle is a good fit for you. This comprehensive guide provides the low-down on the interlocking technique, its perks, drawbacks, and how to care for your interlocked locs.Interlocking Locs

Deciphering the Interlocking Technique

In the realm of dreadlocks, interlocking is a technique that involves threading the ends of your locs back through the root. This root-flipping or latch-hooking process creates a firm hold, enabling your dreadlocks to mature securely. There are a variety of ways to perform interlocking - some use their fingers, while others opt for a dedicated Interlocking Tool or a latch hook. A common pattern is the four-point interlocking method, pulling the hair in four directions (South, North, East, and West).

The roots are strengthened by interlocking, making it a great choice for those with fine hair. However, it's not limited to being utilized by a specific hair type.

Why Choose Interlocking Dreadlocks?

Interlocking serves many benefits to dreadlock enthusiasts. This technique not only secures new hair growth in place but also tightens existing locs, eliminating constant retwisting and retightening sessions. It's a fantastic starting point for those beginning their dreadlock journey and depending on your hair type, condition, and volume, interlocking can take around two hours.

One notable benefit of interlocking is the longevity of the locs, which won't easily unravel over time. Unlike other methods that require palm-rolling and regular retwisting, interlocking ensures your locs stay put with minimal fuss.

Safety and Interlocking Dreadlocks

When executed properly, interlocking dreadlocks are a safe technique to maintain and prevent tangling. It's important to use the correct amount of force during the process to avoid causing strain on the scalp. Applying too much pressure could lead to discomfort, headaches, and in extreme cases, migraines. As with all precious things in life, your locs need to be treated gently and cared for properly.

The Interlocking Loc method done incorrectly can lead to damage, such as holes in the scalp, hair breakage, bald patches, and thinning of the locs. To ensure correct execution and minimize potential risks, it is strongly recommended that professional advice is sought.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Interlocking Dreadlocks

Like any hairstyle or treatment, interlocking dreadlocks come with their own set of pros and cons to consider before taking the plunge:


  • User-friendly: Interlocking is a straightforward technique to learn, enabling individuals to create their own locs.
  • Ideal for Fine Hair: For those with fine, straight hair, interlocking effectively secures the locks using specialized tools.
  • Fewer Hair Products: Unlike other loc methods, interlocking does not require hair products for tightening, reducing the risk of hair damage and avoiding the use of harsh chemicals.
  • Regular Washing Friendly: Interlocking allows for regular washing and even swimming, making it a preferred choice for those who enjoy frequent water activities.
  • Neat Appearance: Interlocked dreadlocks yield a compact and orderly look, providing a polished and uniform appearance.
  • Low Maintenance: Interlocking reduces the need for frequent retwisting sessions, allowing for longer intervals between maintenance compared to other techniques.
  • Suitable for All Hair Types: Regardless of hair type, texture, or condition, interlocking can be successfully done.


  • Risk of Damage: Incorrect interlocking can cause severe damage, including hair thinning and baldness. Professional advice is crucial to avoid these risks.
  • Prone to Frizz: Lack of moisture can result in frizzy hair. Regular moisturization and essential oils can help manage frizz and keep the locs hydrated.
  • Residue Buildup: The tight patterns can trap residue from hair care products and environmental particles, potentially affecting hair texture. Regular detoxing and deep conditioning can help keep your locs clean.
  • Locs that are Slightly Thinner: Compared to other methods, slightly thinner dreadlocks can result from the specific tools used, though the type can be altered at any point.
  • Perception of Slow Growth: Interlocked locs might appear to grow slower due to shrinkage. However, over time, this process contributes to thicker locs and increased volume.
  • Higher Cost: Interlocking locs usually cost more than other traditional dreadlock styles, considering factors like hair texture, length, volume, and loctician's expertise. Additionally, periodic retwisting sessions may incur extra charges.
  • Time-Consuming: While considered a low maintenance style, setting interlocks and retwisting sessions can be time-consuming, especially when done professionally.

Investing in Interlocking Dreadlocks

Interlocking dreadlocks tend to be pricier than other dreadlock styles. The starting price typically begins around $180 and can vary based on factors such as hair texture, length, volume, and the loctician's experience. Some professionals may also charge consultation fees and extra for longer consultation times. Plus, periodic retwisting may require additional investment.

Keeping Your Interlocked Dreadlocks Fresh

To ensure your interlocked locs stay fresh and well-maintained, remember these maintenance tips:

  • Regular Touch-ups: Keep your locs in shape by retouching every 6-8 weeks. Choose a method such as palm-rolling or twisting with a tool.
  • Clean Locs: Use residue-free shampoo and conditioner to keep your dreadlocks clean. Regular detoxing and deep cleaning can help remove any particles, sweat, and lint.
  • Protection during Sleep: Cover your locs with a head bonnet, silk cap, or scarf while sleeping to prevent damage.
  • Moisturization: Use essential hair oils to keep your scalp well-moisturized. Regular scalp massages can promote healthy hair growth. Aloe Vera gel and rosewater can also help keep your locs hydrated.
  • Scalp Care: Clean your scalp regularly to remove any buildup that might obstruct hair growth. Use a residue-free shampoo and lightweight hair oils that won't clog your pores.

The Golden Rule

Thorough research is crucial before embarking on your dreadlock journey. Choose a reputable loctician to guide you through the process and ensure professional care throughout. By understanding the pros and cons, seeking professional advice, and maintaining proper hair care, you can make an informed decision best suited to your hair texture, volume, and budget.

Remember, dreadlocks aren't one-size-fits-all. Your unique hair needs and preferences should guide your decision on the best hairstyle for you."

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